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The Network School

Sep 23 - Dec 23 • Near Singapore


We got an island.

That’s right. Through the power of Bitcoin, we now have a beautiful island near Singapore where we’re setting up the Network School. We’re starting with a 90-day residential program that runs from Sep 23 to Dec 23. It begins right after the Network State Conference in Singapore on Sep 22. It’s only $1000/month with roommates, and $2000/month solo. You can apply online. And if all goes well, we have space to scale it up 100X.

As motivation, I’ve always wanted to set up a school to expand equality of opportunity around the world. Because my father was born in a desperately poor country, but with the right opportunity he could make something of himself. Like undiscovered dark matter, he was undiscovered dark talent. And for more than a decade I’ve been thinking about how to give others who are similarly situated the chance to make something of themselves. That is: I’ve been thinking about how to empower the dark talent of the world.

US universities used to fill this role, even imperfectly, and I loved Stanford when I taught there years ago. But we all know they’ve declined in recent days. And they’re just not affordable or accessible to most of the world. So, it’s time for a new approach. And thanks to Saraswati and Satoshi, I now have the resources to endow a new Internet-first institution: the Network School.


If accepted, rent is $1000/mo with roommates and $2000/mo without.

A beautiful island paradise.
A large and spacious hotel lobby.
The beach is right outside.
There's a boardwalk too.
We'll serve nutritious food in our cafe.


Learn technology and humanities

Burn calories by working out and eating lean

Earn crypto by completing prizes and leveling up

Have fun with group activities

Farcaster Logo

Build with like minded-community members

Hear from world class speakers

Two ways to stay

NS Basic

NS Basic

Save money while living in paradise. Bring your own roommate or we’ll assign one.

Gym • Starlink • Community Events • Coffee • More

NS Pro

NS Pro

Get your own space at an affordable price. Complete focus with no distractions.

Gym • Starlink • Community Events • Coffee • More



Yes, you don't need to stay for the entire time, but you should apply.